Become a Better Putter: Proven Tips for Improving Your Putting
Let’s get right into it! I’m sure you’re tired of getting on the green in two-three shots only to three-putt the hole. Putting is a critical aspect of golf that can make or break your scores. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced golfer, these six putting tips can help you become a better putter and lower your scores moving forward.
1. Master Your Alignment Technique
Improving your putting begins with proper alignment. From your putting grip to having good posture, these are crucial to begin sinking putts and perfecting your practice for the long term.
To align yourself correctly, ensure that your feet, knees, hips, and shoulders are parallel to your target line. This setup will allow you to putt with less tension. Consider using alignment aids like a retractable putting string or an alignment mirror to help you consistently set up correctly. This will help you start on the right line and increase your chances of sinking some masterful putts.
2. Develop a Smooth Stroke
A smooth and controlled putting stroke is essential for consistent results. Remember to take your time with your alignment and avoid rushed movements that can cause inconsistencies in your stroke. Focus is key. Focus on maintaining a consistent tempo and rhythm. This is where your wrists come into play. Understanding which putting grip is best for yourself will ensure strong wrist action and lead to better distance control and accuracy on the greens.
One training aid that can help you develop this smooth stroke is our True Pendulum Motion. This allows golfers to improve aim and overall consistency by engaging shoulders, keeping wrists still, and internalizing a swift pendulum swing.
3. Pay Attention to Distance Control
This is easier said than done. Simply put, distance control leads to successful putting. The way to get there is to spend time practicing your touch and feel on the practice green, or a putting mat, to develop a sense of how hard or soft to hit the ball for various distances.
There’s no better tool to help you with this than our Perfect Putting Mats™. Our real-feel putting green surface with vivid track lines along with auto-ball return will do wonders for your stroke and get you hitting better putts sooner than later. They even go as long as 15’ 5” feet!
This will help you avoid leaving putts too short or rolling them far past the hole. Ideally, if you are set up with a long putt or even a short 6-8 foot putt, you want to leave a missed hole-in by a maximum 2-foot radius. This will at least increase your chances of making that next putt.
2x Majors Champion, Dustin Johnson, uses the Perfect Putting Mat™ as part of his routine. He says, "Anyone who is serious about improving their putting should have a Perfect Practice Mat™ in their home or office. It’s worked wonders for my confidence and became part of my daily practice". DJ was even practicing on it the Sunday before one of his Majors victories!
4. Keep Your Head Still
Avoid lifting your head to watch the ball during your stroke, as it can cause misalignment and inconsistency. Instead, focus on keeping your head steady and your eyes on the ball throughout the putt. This will help you maintain a consistent stroke and improve your accuracy. This is similar to hitting any other shot on the course. If you move or lift your head, you’re bound to mess up the mechanics and that always leads to more headaches during your round!
5. Read the Green Carefully
Reading the green is an essential skill in putting. Take your time to carefully assess the slope, grain, and other features of the green that may affect the break of your putt. Consider viewing the green from multiple angles to get a better understanding of how the ball is likely to break. This will help you line up your putt more accurately and sink more putts.Keep in mind that when you find your line, it is best to hit your putt straight. Any golf instructor will tell you this. At the end of the day, you are finding your target line and hitting the ball in one direction.
6. Develop a Pre-Putting Routine
Establishing a consistent pre-putting routine can help you get into a focused and confident mindset before every putt. It’s like stepping into the batter’s box as a baseball player or getting ready to take free throws if you’re playing basketball. Developing a routine that works for you may include visualizing the putt, taking practice strokes, and aligning yourself properly. Consistently following your pre-putting routine will help you establish a consistent setup and stroke, leading to improved putting performance.

Incorporating these tips into your practice routine can help you become a better putter and lower your scores on the golf course. Remember that putting is a skill that requires the right practice and often a good deal of patience, so be sure to dedicate time to practice regularly.
By mastering your alignment, stroke, distance control, head position, green reading, and pre-putting routine, you can improve your putting and overall golf game. Any one of our golf training aids will improve your game along the way. Good luck out there and let us know which tips work best for you!